How can we successfully develop asset utilization?
@ 資産活用には手持ちの現金で様々なファンドや上場会社の株式の取得により配当金の受け取り また最近目立っている外国での高金利の国債買取及び定期による高い利息など様々な方法があるかと思います。 小社ではその中でも特に貸倉庫・貸駐車場・貸店舗・貸アパート、マンション・貸ビル等の利回り(収益)物件を 推薦しております。 @ There are various ways to utilize assets, such as receiving dividends by acquiring shares of various funds and listed companies with cash on hand, or purchasing high interest government bonds and high interest from fixed term bonds in foreign countries, which have recently been gaining prominence.Among these, we especially recommend such income producing properties as rental warehouses, rental parking lots, rental stores, rental apartments, condominiums, rental buildings, and so on. A 収益物件の取得の方法や、定年後の年金以外での家賃収入(オーナーチェンジ)等誰にでも分かりやすく ご案内をしております。 又、各自(所有)の物件の資産価値の下落や、バブル期における過大な借入による逆ざや等の深刻な問題も、 銀行、信金、整理回収機構(RCC)などの債権者も交え、一体となった損切り交渉や、 第三者への売却なども含めて適切なアドバイスもしております。 We provide easy to understand information for everyone, including how to acquire income producing properties and how to earn rental income outside of a pension after retirement (owner change). We also provide appropriate advice on the serious problems of declining asset values of your own properties, and the negative spread caused by excessive borrowing during the bubble period, including loss cutting negotiations in cooperation with banks, cred it unions, the Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC), and other creditors, as well as selling your property to a third party. B 利回り(家賃収入)物件の良いところは、老後の年金代わりや、子供の進学の際などの 学資金ともなり、誠に利便性が高く、銀行の低金利の今こそ 絶好の利殖方法ではないかと思います。 The good thing about yield (rental income) properties is that they can be used as a substitute for a pension in old age or as a school fund for children when they go on to higher education, and are truly highly convenient, making them the perfect way to e arn interest at this time of low interest rates at banks. C この際、様々な問題提起をしていただき、一緒に考えてみませんか At this time, we invite you to raise a variety of issues and think about them together.。 |
Applications of Asset Utilization
主なリスクとして As the main risk |
参考例 Reference Example |
不動産経営の場合 For real estate management |
収入に関するリスク Risks related to income |
賃料の値下げ、賃料の滞納、空室 Rent reduction, rent arrears, vacancies |
支出 Expenditure |
修繕費、管理費、税金、火災保険、広告費など Repair, management, taxes, fire insurance, advertising, etc. |
流動性 Liquidity |
すぐに現金化できない場合もある(売却) May not be able to cash out immediately (sale) |
経年数 Number of years |
劣化、倒壊、地震 Deterioration, collapse, earthquake |
預貯金の場合 For deposits and savings |
金融機関の破綻 Failure of financial institutions |
元本1,000万円とその利息までしか保護されない Only up to 10 million yen of principal and its interest is protected |
利息 Bank interest |
年利0.5%以下で利回りとしては0円に近い Less than 0.5% annual interest rate, which is close to worthless as a yield |
ファンド・株券の場合 For funds and share certificates |
投資先会社の破綻 Failure of investee company |
価値がゼロになる Value goes to zero |
投資先会社の経営不振 Poor management of portfolio companies |
株価下落、無配当 Decline in stock price, no dividend payment |
金・宝石・絵画の場合 For gold, jewelry and paintings |
相場の変動 Market fluctuations |
世界の動向による上げ下げが激しく一般には不向き Not suitable for the general public due to violent ups and downs caused by global trends |
国債の場合 For Japanese Government Bonds |
利回りが極端に少ない Yields are extremely low |
万一、日本がデフォルトした場合、紙くずとなる In the unlikely event of a Japanese default, they will become scrap paper |
Although the various methods described above are possible, real estate investment is relatively stable.
個々のご案件についてはご予約の上、担当者が資料を揃えて面談しております 〜どうぞご遠慮なく声をかけてください〜 We will be happy to meet with you by appointment to discuss your individual case and to provide you with the materials you need. 〜Please do not hesitate to contact us us〜 注:上記コンサルティングは全て相談無料となっております。個々の案件によって担当者が約30分位のQ&A的な方式によってアドバイスをいたします。 (教材その他テキスト類はありません。又、相談の内容によっては税理士、弁護士等の紹介斡旋も無料でご案内しております。 Note: All of the above consulting services are free of charge. The person in charge of each case will give advice in a Q&A style that lasts about 30 minutes. (There are no teaching materials or other textbooks) We also provide free introductions to tax accountants, lawyers, etc., depending on the content of the consultation. |
経営コンサルタント野宮武美作戦本部 http://ntconsul.com |
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿4-31-3 永谷新宿ビル11階 |
野宮武美 090-2669-4220 TEL03-5354-8840 FAX03-5354-8898 |
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